The title seemed a little mouth watering but I guess it is the most appropriate title and so here goes.
But the main quest was to find and see that well, and so we did---unfortunately, it was padlocked by the local ministry. What a bummer, huh!? We strolled the place asking some queries about the miraculous well and later found out that the local caretakers perhaps even the priest and the clergies there sought for a source of funds and refined the water and placed them into 237ml water bottles and in return, people who come and visit the place and sought for the water give donations for a bottle of the blessed substance (I know, right!? Just for a famous water and people needed to give some donations! Hmm… maybe someday, people come visit my house too when I get all popular but for now I’ll have to be the admirerJ).
Now, the tour came to a halt of archeological finds and we went on to be astounded of nature’s gift. We arrived at the Ecopark with a lot of visitors waiting impatiently around that small cage and there, inside curled in a ball of scales and brown patterns were the star of the day and maybe more days in its lives! Who could’ve thought that for this reptile, it would bring in so many spectators! (… the day wasn’t over yet and I have felt so envious of a lot of things being so famous and all!? First, a miraculous water! Then a bloody reptile! How’s that?!)
The thing I am referring to is a 14 year old python (these kind of snakes are constrictors, which means, they don’t have the slightest of poison maybe the littlest of teeth but most are toothless… the only thing they have is surprise and strong muscles to constrict the life out of their victims when they grab a hold of ‘em) who as they say just celebrated its birthday!? Never asked when could or would it be but it’s 14 years old! So that’s it… I want to get in and take pictures of myself with it too but there was a lot waiting impatiently (and the feeling was mutual!) for that time.
My turn came in quick and I have to shower m y time with a lot of flashes just make it all worth. I’ve touched a snake before and even braved myself putting all around me; it was the same species as the one I am so eager to meet. The snake was scaly (what would it be?! Smooth!? Duh…) and I just want to hug it! Seriously, I really want to place it all around me but I think it was a bit filthy; it was curled in a ball of scales and reptile-ness. And so a touch would just do me well.
That trip went a little too quick too…
Hunger came in and we just have to drive a little more to reach our next destination… along the trip we passed by the famous Man-made Forest-----regrettably no pictures were rightly taken as we were in a hurry to see yet another famous thing! A Tarsier (considered an Endangered species here in the country and the smallest mammal found here and only native to Bohol). We passed by the famous River Cruise as we trek another mountain road and just at the right curve there was the small zoo of clinging Tarsiers, they are so tiny! Real tiny! Sadly (I know! Most of these experiences are so full of prohibitions and misfortunes but we get along with it pretty much) we don’t have the luxury of touching it unlike so many fortunate people due to societal status who could even hold them on their hands. Oh, well… I bask myself with a lot of pictures of these little, cute and unbelievable creatures.
Like many trips, it was quick.
Off to the awaited place! The reason why the title is just so weird and somehow unsustainably inapt. Ever heard of a place or a group of little mountains that in sunny weather, goes brown and at good rainy ones becomes green?? Yes, there is such a place and it may be found in most places but Bohol has this place set apart among many to have such an abundance, we trekked another mountain and lo, there it was… standing still and green! And as I may title this trip, it was the famous ‘Pistachio-colored’ Chocolate Hills of Bohol (…it’s green! What am I s’pose to say, the view was impressive, it may have outgrown grass and plants but I like the hills around the landscape green than brown but it wouldn’t be known as Chocolate if it doesn’t look like one?! (well, it doesn’t… it’s a title given to it because of how it becomes brown when all the weeds covering it dries out during the summer)
We stayed longer… great! And we just have to fill in our bowels ‘coz everybody is just so hungry! I have to guffaw my way to the food we prepared, I couldn’t care less if it tastes good or not the thing was, I have to place something inside my stomach!
There was a lot to see around the place, the souvenir shops I have oh, so begged my mother to buy me at least one but didn’t give in. I was a bit disappointed just like a toddler but I can’t have tantrums! Duh, I’m an adult! And so, I treated myself to the restroom to have a check on it when they told me that it has something so fun in it and guess what!? It’s air-conditioned! Really, it is! And it smells great, well maintained and clean (not sparkly) but decent enough to even stay there just looking at the mirror and washing your hands with the scented sanitizers they have.
It was over soon enough and off we go to our next adventure, while driving around we later realized that we’re lost. Taking up so much time that we have to stop our trip and eat of what was left from lunch.
We arrived at our last destination by late afternoon… though I never find any excitement in it. I feared it more than enjoyed it… we went in a cave, I even hit myself as we go down and what eek-ed me was the fact that there were bats hanging along those stalactites and maybe for a decent reason will have to empty their own bladders and bowels and I can become their untimely victim. Good thing, what dropped on me was water (…I hope! But as soon as I arrive home. I went in for a good bath) from the stone ceilings… there were no lights on the tiny underground pool so I never appreciate the thought of seeing its depths. We went up quick as we went down even hastily, the place was pungent! And we would stink with its likeness the longer we spend our time enveloped in its darkness.
It was nice, to finally be back above the ground, somehow breathe fresh air and see the setting sun. But the reeking smell of bat urine and guano just wouldn’t leave the confines of my nose that even I was greedily inhaling air, there remains a tinge of the cave’s aroma! Grrr…
And there was home as part of our itinerary. In all, the day was the BEST along with any other days in a Trip we had!!! And so I guess the title is as good as my description of the Bohol Tour and don’t you just dare comment on how weird it is! (Hahaha… just joking! Do comment!)
I <3 Bohol
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