Saturday, March 2, 2013

To Ponder With.

If what failed are those dreams, then what makes of waking!??

These past few days made me realize a lot after some turns and bends I took. That nothing stands in ones way but the self, nothing puts down oneself but he who thinks and above all, none raises ones head up to look on and keep moving but the choice of walking forward. It is all in oneself. All in me.

But the question is where?! Where’d I go!? Where am I s’pose to be!?  Where was me?!

I was drooling ideas to get this blog entry to start with, and lo it appeared out of some forgotten memory… a picture.

I rushed to look for it and in a few clicks, I did.

A kid in a red cape walking proud he was wearing his favorite super hero’s costume. To care nothing at all of what other people may say about him… he was just being a kid with his favorite super hero’s cape.

Tell you, I can put a lot of adhesive thoughts with this and I might lose you to where exactly this blog entry is heading to.

It shook me, I’ve lost that kid and it hit me more, I lost myself.
Talking to my partner for some hour ago, he said randomly…
“I’m just a kid inside…”

It sent that chilly feeling, penetrating guilt, hatred and self pity. It struck not the bull’s eye but the hay stack beyond the target.

Where was that kid who used to believe on things unparalleled, the mere thought that waking up every day is another moment cherished with friends, listening to the teacher and not minding if you were too noisy chatting and laughing when getting scoffed at by a pissed mentor.

Sad to realize I lost that kid, my single dose of imagination and that colorful memory of innocence… Or did I just grow up!?