Just a thought out, thanks to my partner Mark that this blog entry made possible or let me just say that the idea of actually posting and having the inspiration of this blog been given birth into writing.
About an hour and a half ago, by the way it’s 12:04pm in my watch, going back... My partner and I were talking some mushy stuff and he was going about his things as he was preparing for school and was donning his usual blazer and he looks good in white and okay, I’m daydreaming… so, there he was just sitting staring at me and I noticed that he wasn’t wearing his glasses and so I told him that he should get it and put it on, he then explained that even without his glasses he still could see (he think so) but insisted that he put them on as his uniform wouldn’t be that complete without him wearing those gleam-y spectacles and voila, he did. Handsome, huh.
And I wandered off with me telling him that his glasses reminded me of buying a new one and he said why buy a new one as he knows that I don’t even have an eye condition that would make me wear spectacles as needed for such condition.

And the story goes like this…
Wimpy, Thin & Short.
Growing up I was never a sporty kid, not a single game during the intramurals would I ever participate up until I reached high school, technically, I somehow become a part or just a member of the basketball team just because there are fewer guys and they needed me or else they forfeit for reasons of less team members.

And when in gatherings, I’ll fit perfectly present as here goes this kid in cargo shorts, almost knee-socks, a rubber shoes and a loose polo shirt, that kind of get up stayed until I was in my 5th grade still with no changes at all, yes I was sporting sneakers, but a straight-cut slacks, a large waist jeans & the polo shirt but I was wearing it, I never actually noticed what I was wearing as long as I have something to wear.
It was funny though about this part of me and I guess all the guys can relate to this. Naturally boys don’t grow up or let me say get taller not until puberty comes and I was one of many million guys out there who passed through puberty and still passing it. From 1st grade up to the 3rd grade I was one of us 3 guys who would actually contest every semester if who goes first in the line and there was a time that I did, it happen in 3 semesters within those 3 freaking years. Though here’s the catch, we guys would just surprise the gals that after a few months of hiding during summer vacation we’d tower them as much as they used to tower us down and here goes the medieval theory that they got from what we could’ve been ‘doing’ all those months.
The Transition.
High school was fun; it was and will always be. I tried socializing, I learned how to make my way in and out of a crowd, make new friends from lower years and even those ahead of us. Met new friends in and out of school, a little more did I joined clubs and had myself turned into a leader (I guess my leadership skills started here) mostly voted to become president or vice president whichever I don’t go down more than the treasurer but never become the secretary as everyone knows I have the worst penmanship.
Little by little I get to notice how I dress and how I act; I was still with girls up to the end of high school. It was fun being with all the girls, loving the gossips, the latest trends and anything out of the blue. My most favorite moment being with girls as you’d probably guess is no else but shopping, they take you everywhere and like everywhere, from one dress shop, to another boutique, to accessories and just about every inch of the mall, I found something I liked and that’s a big wardrobe change.
I tried my best not just to fit in but also to find something for me, I did get envy though, to women in particular and when it comes to shopping this frustration does exist. It’s the variety of clothing women get more than men, like seriously a woman can get herself dressed up casually decent in just a small cost ad can even indulge extra on some accessories while having to choose men apparel was just plain t-shirt, jeans that almost everybody has and sneaker that only changes in patterns and color and looking at it you’d find yourself facing to the same get up on a different person and that’s just quite a give-off of fashion disaster.
High school paves way to my now impulsive character, if I was even more ready to face what’s in store I couldn’t be more excited to be there.

It was also in freshmen year I had my first formal social event, an 18th debut party, and I think I looked good in it. A straight slim pastel brown denim, an inside shirt in green with blue arm sleeves and collar & to finish off with a wash-off green polo shirt and sneakers. It was a night that I felt something in me, I felt a boost in my confidence and for some time after that I call it arrogant vanity (you can’t blame me, I was starting to love myself).
It was in college that I really have the most for myself, it all started when I came across the TV show Ugly Betty, I never finished it not until late senior year but thanks to this show I took up the courage to say it to myself and just as the main character Betty says to her own,
I am an attractive, intelligent and confident business woman.(Just take out the gender profile and put man instead of woman)
I practiced it and sooner then I get to say that to myself every morning at least in front of the mirror and I guess it built up my confidence and self-esteem. I found myself not fully but I was able to face different people and from having to push myself into mingling I learned how to dress properly, how to act decently and how to be appropriately good looking so to speak… being handsome or gorgeous or sexy or whatever heart boasting adjective one is to be described for comes not just naturally but also with the person’s own perspective to himself and his confidence. If you were born to be utterly good looking it is nothing if you just sit around all sulk all day, being handsome and/or beautiful is not how the world makes out of you but how you make out of everything else around you.
I remembered one quote from one of my lecturer/mentor,
If you reached a time in your life that you felt very handsome/beautiful that no one can contest it but yourself there’ll never be a moment like that… it depends on you. And if not, if that time hasn’t come yet, just wait… be yourself and when it does come… feel it like you never felt ever more handsome/beautiful in life.
I felt nothing more but pure love to myself and I was getting narcissistic and yes I know that is quite wrong but better way to love yourself with indulging into everything than doing drugs (just saying). I was enjoying myself and for one thought out of pure boast, I tried wearing who I was, I guess that part of me came out by junior year and slowly my classmates in high school never saw that part of me and were quite amazed of how different I was, I looked after myself and tried the clothes that would look good in me and reflect my personality, I may not have the best or do not even dress designer clothing but I can get an entire wardrobe specific for my own and look good and dashing in it. It’s just how one wears it and the personality it carries with it.
Then came senior year, maybe late for me to start it but I was now doing some diet plans, body shape-ups not too rigid just yet but I was doing fine, I was perfectly good at it. Some of my classmates admired me and it boosted me up, self appreciation comes a long way not until it reflects to other people and they learn to see you and not just like you but entirely appreciate who you are… no worries though I never dressed flamboyant, just decent enough for a casual me.
Vainer… it goes on…

So maybe the reason of me being superficial (yet again, no offense taken) is not just because I am, well honestly I am a bit (some laugh) with the whole impulsive reasons behind the thought of buying something just because I don’t need it and just because it makes me feel good, I have this in me to become superficially loving myself because there is freedom in me, a child wanting to have that pretty kite. I know in here now, I don’t make sense but insensibly how I don’t make sense, what we are is who we are, we never have to change something within that is already good as long as we do it right and we don’t harm people around us.
If we appreciate the person within us, we reflect that same appreciation to people around us and get appreciated in return. You can never love anyone happily if you never loved yourself in the first place.
I guess, this is yet to be the longest entry for my blog. Thanks to my partner Mark who had this idea blurted out in 2,000 words or something.
“You are beautiful… no matter what they say” just as quoted in Christina Aguilera’s song.