Cause once I found myself flying but with none to hover with.
I found trees, branches new from spring but with none to share with,
Fruits bearing down for my own satisfaction,
Roots held tight to climb on,
Yet with none to say which one is safer or to another to nest with.
I soar to what skies I reached of lands below I don’t know,
I went on to drink of vast oceans I came upon,
I rest the travels of time and see only a façade of colors,
Yet to that what seemed endless is a barren company of my own.
I never longed yet I asked for company,
I sought chances of meeting and see passing companions,
Each of their own directions, each of their wings.
I flapped on and wandered farther than thought.
Where is the mind to give when it has nothing to ponder with?
Where is the heart to seek when what is beyond blankly laid,
When will my feet start walking when the pavement stops a crack!?
Where is myself when I have none to be!??