Time /tīm/ (n) the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.
Time is life’s gift. It is our friend. A scale that defines to what results we can have or be it the very witness to our own demise, at the same it becomes our foe as we hurdle the character of patience and temper, a test of faith and perseverance to gain from what it could give and perhaps it is one of life’s greatest blessing that we just don’t have it as our own but also with everyone else.

As a nurse, time is crucial to my profession.
A dose missed, is a pound cost more of a cure.
A second gone is a beat to lose.
And for every ounce of time spent, a soul is mended.
It takes the patience of one to find beauty with time.
Become his friend and one reaps the seeds of joy.
Become the enemy of it, a temper of angst endows the intolerant.
It is in its arduous length that one takes the bliss of what lies next.
Time is a choice, a decision that abides to what we make out of it.
Whether we stand still and let it waste.
Or we do something, a change or a result out from it.
Time is what we have to do more for our own.
It is a joy to many who sees the beauty of its indecisiveness.
An escape of a lonely heart to his gusto of indulgence & lore.
A time spent of gratitude to self, a relaxing momentary of decent carelessness.
To just sit down. To look on & marvel.
Time becomes our strength when complexities arise.
A point to repatriate the losses of life’s battle.
A moment to gamble when everything seems in chaos.
A strategic stance against the forlorn dismembering hurdles of the world.
Though at chances time becomes in its innocent ardor, a play of fate.
We miss a moment to capture that ruins the self.
We take for granted the joys that hassles undermines and hide.
We fear the thought of longing, we rush the pace.
And to those that time can become such a grueling test.
A risk to take, of unknown destinies.
Of the will to wait, at end or how it’d be!?
If time is no a friend or foe, for how long, when and at life’s breaking end!?
And just because time was not good to me, have the chances made me sour and still, think not that I am gone, think not that I befall such forlorn reason… I am just a soul at mending, a heart longing... A being who waits in time, hoping & wishing.