Questions that I ask or asking questions that I simply can’t say right.
If one is to choose between being a planet, a rock or a terrestrial body, should you choose to stay in orbit, in a planned path and whirl away for the entirety over a millennia!??
Or be that curious rock to move out, deviate or bend away and risk hitting another on its path!??
What would you be!??

So as to choose to become the moon who stood all those years, aging in all of the centuries that passed, standing still in its orbit, hit by a million rocks, meteors and extra terrestrial debris from all of the corners of the vacuum space staining it’s once pure atmosphere and what makes of now those dark sides, craters from the smallest to biggest of them all yet amidst the clamor of the oddity that it has it never waivers the beauty that it gives, the awe to those 7 billion spectators or so every night unnerved to what it has gone through all these time.
Or be that one comet, that one special material of pure rock, ice & a bolus of hardened dust, formed from another bigger one who unknowingly chose to be cut off from the rest, leaving away to wander off space, spend its life travelling and when the right time comes be seen in its most grandiose moment, streaking away the endless night with such exquisiteness to admire to those with the time to lay past and look up the sky.
To what extent would you be!??
Say, if there’d be a choice between to be an astronomer whose life revolved in the study of stars, planets and everything beyond that is the universe, to think of what possible beings live farther to the reaches of the naked eye, delving to deeper knowledge in the understanding of what makes the system where our world stands and what more discoveries should be made, explorations started and wisdom gained. All these ideas, thoughts and wonderings clumped in the safe harbor of books, instruments, technology and the wide open corners of a laboratory.
Or be that chosen astronaut, trained and specialized to withstand nature’s elements, gain experience in flight and mechanical expertise to make it to space, be on that vessel that would carry all the knowledge imparted by those astronomers and make sure that it does it’s purpose of travelling and getting valuable information in the vacuum that is the universe.
And so, choose what of the one who think or the one who does!??
These are merely questions, to ask, and do inquiry.
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