With a delayed flight come a good scrutiny and a not-so-maudlin moment.

All alone with the slow ticking of my phone’s digital clock as I wait for an hour more as my best friend’s flight displayed delayed on the arrival’s bulletin. Eating by with a hotdog sandwich and a bottle of water to waste away thirst every little while, I was never new to the place; cars zooming here, people going down, greeting goodbyes, few sentiments as they bid the best of the voyage’s luck, for some being frequent travelers of the town tow away their luggage to the counter for check-in. Common. But in some of oddest ways I find the entire airport scene entertaining, thinking how a man-made place so artificial become stuffed with emotions, creating a whole new idea of the place, people converge to this one place and say their deepest of joys to see loved ones come home, crying to those who would leave them, some of farther lands to go unknown to those they left here if when they’d be coming back, many would bid goodbyes like they’ll be losing their loved ones for such long times and finding myself laughing as I would hear that this will just be a short passing as soon was then to come.
A little more while, the arrivals area was busier than ever, 3 more planes landed and flew at the shortest of intervals. A busy night it was.
Finding myself amongst the crowd was how I used to be overjoyed every time my mom and I would go fetch my dad at the airport may it be for Christmas, New Year, Graduation or just some lengthened vacation… I would cower as I hear the loud zooms and mechanical grunts of the plane as it lands on the black tarmac, the reeling of the rotating baggage holder thingy as it caters everyone’s luggage to its proper owner, the shouts of airport porters, taxi hailers and the smiling crowd who just can’t wait to see their beloved visitors.
In all, my sappiness came in as I thought it did as cold drafts embraced me as I stroll the entire parking lot and going to and fro on the sidewalks of the airport. The few moments to steal to become corny and outright dramatic, but ‘twas a fine night to put it all to waste.
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