Wednesday, November 3, 2010

6 Days, 5 Nights: For No Reason At All

Simplify to pass out time and regurgitate on the idea of doing something out of the darnest of times. Considering the thought of even paradoxically explaining the current situation I am in, due comfort is not obliged as to its main purpose is not as relevant to the entirety of being totally a function at all.

Perceiving what to say or merely imply with the abrupt spur of something insatiably unduly and feverish to the core. Yes. Agreeable that I am wasting the worst of all kinds of boredom ever created, which is to sit along the momentary dynamics of a visual entrée yet in some thought I have not missed the pauses and the dead spaces the theatre of time has proposed. I may be learning how to devaluate my enemy----Time.

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